Lebanon Businessnews News

Still on piracy watch list
Intellectual property rights watchdog calls for proper legal framework for copyright protection
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Lebanon should remain on the watch list for intellectual property protection, the International Intellectual Property Alliance (IIPA) said in its 2012 special report on copyright protection and enforcement. The report said that piracy continues to harm rights holders in the country.

The piracy phenomena rife in Lebanon include end-user piracy of business software, cable and paid TV piracy, retail piracy (of movies, music, software), and book piracy in the form of illegal photocopying. The IIPA is a US-based association of private sector groups involved in copyright ownership.

The report noted that although the situation for rights holders has gradually improved over the years, much reform is needed to conform to the level of international treaties.

The IIPA highlighted the need for Lebanon to establish a proper legal framework for copyright protection, including online rights. It said that the government needs to ensure that draft amendments to the Lebanese Copyright Law (1999) are compatible with major international copyright treaties.

The government has been working on amendments to the Copyright Law and related laws in preparation for access to the World Trade Organization (WTO). It is also working to implement the relevant international treaties related to WTO accession.

The IIPA said that though the current Copyright Law provides a relatively sound basis of protection of works and objects of related rights (sound recordings, performances), some deficiencies must be addressed through a more effective statute.

by Hanadi Chami
Date Posted: Mar 06, 2012
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