Lebanon Businessnews News

Three EU projects financed
European Commission funds three projects worth total of $39 million
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The European Commission has signed three new grant agreements with the Lebanese government with a total budget of around $39 million.

The first project, with a budget of $15.7 million, is a Development of National Capability for Security and Stabilization Program (SSP).The project has an implementation period of four years. It aims to increase state functionality in sectors identified as the most critical for stability and security, and to promote public understanding of security.

The second project, with a budget of $11.8 million, is titled Policy Planning and Governance Program (PPG). It aims to improve strategic planning and to enhance accountability for results and procedures within the public administration. The project will be implemented by the Office of the Minister for Administrative Reform (OMSAR) during the 2012-16 period.

The third project, with a budget of $11.8 million, is titled Support Program for Infrastructure Sector Strategies and Alternative Financing (SISSAF). The project’s execution period is 48 months. It aims to improve the efficiency of service delivery and financial sustainability in the sectors of water, energy, and land transport. The project will aid the Council for Development and Reconstruction (CDR) and the three Ministries of Energy and Water, Public Works and Transport, and Finance.
Date Posted: Mar 13, 2012
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