Lebanon Businessnews News

Plan to promote olive oil
Soft loans for cooperatives, free laboratory testing, and experts to supervise production
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The Ministry of Agriculture unveiled a nationwide action plan to promote locally-produced olive oil. 
According to a decision issued on April 19, the MoA shall set out the organizational plans to market olive oil by supporting olive oil cooperatives, and forming unions for olive oil cooperatives.

The MoA shall dispatch experts to supervise the entire procedure of olive oil production. The MoA shall organize meetings with traders, and market the product at exhibitions.

Through this decision, the MoA shall provide farmers with the equipment used in the production of olive oil, in line with the Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) standards of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The MoA will also provide olive oil producers with reservoirs for storing their product.

The Ministry will offer free laboratory testing on olive oil. The category of the oil will thus be determined by the results of these tests. 

The MoA will launch media campaigns for promoting olive oil in both local and export markets.
The Ministry will offer soft loans to olive oil cooperatives so as to help provide producers with the raw materials needed to start the program. 

The decision spelled out a number of conditions for stakeholders (cooperatives, cooperatives' unions, and farmers) to be enrolled in the program. 

The decision shall come into effect from August.

Reported by Hanadi Chami
Date Posted: Apr 27, 2012
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