Lebanon Businessnews News

Italy promotes energy saving
Initiative aims to cut down demand for energy by 677 MWH per year
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An awareness campaign to promote energy saving was launched on Monday (May 7) by the Ministry of Environment in cooperation with the Italian Cooperation Office.

The initiative is funded by the Italian government under the framework of the ‘Climate Change Mitigation – Renewable Energy’ project. The campaign's target is to reduce demand for energy by 677 MWH per year, roughly five percent of the country’s annual output. 

The campaign is part of a wider project which aims to encourage the use of renewable energy sources and the adoption of energy efficient measures. 

The total budget allocated for the project is $1.3 million.

Through the project, Italy will also provide 900 solar water heating systems to more than 50 public utility buildings. 

Reported by Hanadi Chami
Date Posted: May 08, 2012
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