Lebanon Businessnews News

Beirut municipality plans revamping Cola area
Studies to be conducted in 2013 by the CDR
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The Municipality of Beirut issued a decision to rehabilitate the ‘Cola Square’. It has asked the Council of Development and Reconstruction (CDR) to conduct all required studies. The plan includes constructing an underground parking.

Beirut’s Mayor Bilal Hamad said: “The CDR will conclude its preliminary and feasibility studies by the end of 2013.” Once studies are finalized, the municipality will call a tender for interested contractors.

“We will also construct well-organized public transportation stops at the square in order to limit the traffic jam they are causing today,” Hamad said. He said an underground one-level parking will be built under the Salim Slam Bridge. The parking will include services, such as public toilets.
Reported by Yassmine Alieh
Date Posted: Dec 28, 2012
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