Lebanon Businessnews News

Public workers plan intensified protests
General strike next Wednesday
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Government employees and public and private school teachers will be intensifying their protest campaign in the coming two months to pressure the Cabinet into sending their upgraded salary scale to Parliament.

The Syndical Coordination Committee said workers at all public administrations, ministries, municipalities, and public and private schools will hold a general strike for two Wednesdays this month, on January 16 and 23, coinciding with the Cabinet sessions. Another three-day strike will follow on February 5, 6, and 7.

Numerous studies have tackled the impact of the new salary scale on public finances. A study issued by the Ministry of Economy and Trade in November warned that the salary raises, which will cost up to $1.7 billion per year, would increase public debt, cause higher inflation, and widen the deficit of the balance of payments.
Reported by Hanadi Chami
Date Posted: Jan 09, 2013
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