Lebanon Businessnews News

Business leaders propose bailout plan
Urge State to contain protests
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Private sector business leaders proposed a work plan to spur economic growth.
The plan highlighted key measures the government needs to take in order to maintain order and security, a main precondition for sustaining tourism and economic stability. Business leaders urged the government to withdraw the salary scale draft law. “The State should reinstate its authority over the administrative body, in line with article 15 of the public employees’ law which prohibits an employee from going on strike, inciting to strike, and/or joining professional syndicates and associations,” according to the statement.

The plan called for adopting a law to cap the budget deficit, among several other public finance and administrative reforms. It also warned against increasing taxes.

Representatives of the economic bodies will hold monthly meetings with the Prime Minister and the concerned ministers. The next meeting was scheduled for February 28.
Reported by Hanadi Chami
Date Posted: Feb 01, 2013
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