Lebanon Businessnews News

Industrialists to benefit from 'green' consultancy
ESCWA and ALI launch help desk
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The ESCWA and the Association of Lebanese Industrialists (ALI) are launching their joint project ‘Green Production Help Desk' (GHD). The GHD will provide information and technical advice to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) wishing to develop their products and means of production in line with sustainable development principles.

“Our main focus is to help industrialists find links between industrial procedures and environmental benefits,” said Rana Tabsharani, Project Manager and head of the Environment and Energy Department at the ALI.

Consultancy services, which are free of charge, will also help industrialists adhere to the Environmental Compliance Decree, which came into action in 2012. Up to 30 industrial companies have expressed interest in the issue. “These companies will receive guidance on how to comply with the environmental decree. They will also be joined with funders and consultants,” said Tabsharani.

The GHD shall ensure collection and dissemination of information on green business opportunities, national policies and programs, and laws related to green economy. The help desk will also organize up to four national and technical workshops and courses for trainers on topics related to green production sectors.

Primarily, the help desk will target the ALI's 700 industrialist members. “Later on, any other local industrialist can refer to the help desk and will be provided with relevant support,” said Tabsharani.

The workshop trainers will primarily be national trainers and consultants from institutions such as the Lebanese Center for Cleaner Production, the Environmental Fund for Lebanon, or experienced industrialists who can present case studies.

The help desk is part of a $36,000 project fully funded by the ESCWA.

Reported by Nader Houella
Date Posted: Jun 25, 2013
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