Lebanon Businessnews News

Ministry of Tourism braces to support sector
A number of initiatives underway to
attract expats, Arabs
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The Minister of Tourism, Michel Pharaon announced three initiatives to draw tourists back to the country.

“We will launch a promotional plan to attract locals and expatriates to visit regions that have not witnessed security threats, which form more than 70 percent of the country,” he said. The Ministry will kick off its plans by activating its presence on social media.

The second initiative focuses on traditional tourists coming from Jordan, Egypt, and Iraq, among other countries to facilitate touristic relations of visitors who have already come to the country.

“We will also launch a number of programs for health tourism in collaboration with countries such as Libya, Iraq, Sudan, and Yemen and continue the implementation of preset plans for skiing tourism,” said Pharaon.

The ministry is working on outlining a new vision for expatriate tourism. It is also considering support mechanisms to meet sector demands, mainly interest support, maritime property, and equipping of secondary transportation terminals.

Reported by Yassmine Alieh
Date Posted: Mar 10, 2014
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