Lebanon Businessnews News

Abu-Ghazaleh launches business support center
Partners locally with Berytech
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The Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) launched last week the Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge and Wealth Creation Center (TAG-Creation).

The center will provide support to innovators and entrepreneurs. It helps protect and market their inventions. The center will also introduce them to investors, financing entities, angel investors, and venture capital firms.

“We are professional service providers,” said Rinad Loubani, Executive Director of TAG Creation. The center will not itself provide financing.

Applicants are requested to apply online. Employees at the center will contact and interview the qualified applicants. During the interviews, applicants will meet consultants who will assist them with their needs.

Loubani said that at first, consultancy services are free of charge. She said: “Other services at a later stage will be paid based on a percentage that both parties will agree upon.

TAG-Creation Center works in partnership with Berytech. The center is planning to expand its network and collaborate with additional local partners, according to Loubani.

The center will cooperate with Arab and international organizations such as ESCWA, business incubators, and university research centers in Arab countries and abroad.

TAG-Creation will target youth, inventors, industry exporters, traders, business entrepreneurs, and professional service providers, to help achieve growth and wealth creation.

The center will assist companies that seek to expand in the Arab world through market studies, identifying partners, licensing, franchising, and technology transfer. It will benefit from TAG offices in 80 countries.
Reported by Rana Freifer
Date Posted: Apr 02, 2014
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