The Parliament enacted a law approving a funding program for cross-border cooperation between European Union and Mediterranean countries, including Lebanon. It was published in the Official Gazette on April 22.
The program aims to help local administrations develop skills and capacities.
The selection of projects is done over two phases. A call for proposals for cross-border Mediterranean partnerships will be made, and then final projects will be chosen. Two kinds of projects will be executed: Strategic projects concerning common benefit for several countries, and standard ones concentrated in a more limited geographic area.
Eligible ‘strategic projects’ must have a budget ranging from $2.6 million to $6.8 million. Institutions from at least four States should be partnering in the proposed project. Standard projects will have a budget ranging from $650,000 to $2.6 million. The minimum number of participating States is three, and partners could be from the public and private sector.
The program has four priorities. The first is promoting socioeconomic development. It includes supporting innovation and research in the process of local development. Economic clusters will be encouraged to create collaboration mechanisms with Mediterranean countries.
The second priority is encouraging environmental stability. This would be achieved through eliminating environmental risks and encouraging renewable energy to combat climate change.
The third priority is promoting the freedom of movement of individuals, goods, and capital.
The fourth priority is encouraging cultural dialogue and local governance. It includes promoting knowledge transfer and training youth, strengthening dialogue among communities, and enhancing local governance.