Lebanon Businessnews News

Campus Society launches
Cross-country academic exchange now possible
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Campus Society, an academic social network, was officially launched this week.

The network allows participants to broadcast events, contact lecturers, share timetables, and also find paid and academic jobs. Users could also share their courses and videos. “It is a typical social network but with an academic content,” Said Oliver Muller, co-founder of the cross-university and cross-country exchange.

The network, which has been in under development for the past six months, has raised $322,000 in the first round of funding and $1.6 million during a second. Investors were from Lebanon, KSA and two venture capital funds, one international and the other regional.

The startup targets people working in a university environment. It includes students, professors, academics, and recruiters searching for talents in local colleges.

The network is secured and exclusive. Every university has its own section/community on the site. “Already 7,000 students have signed up and it is getting very active,” said Muller, an AUB graduate. “While pursuing my academic studies, we felt there was a real need for a similar concept,” he said. He co-founded the network with Lebanese student Rashid Ajami.

Campus Society involves students from 15 local academic institutions, including Alba, AUB, AUST, AUL, Balamand, Beirut Arab University, Haigazian University, LAU, the Lebanese University, the NDU, Université Antonine, Université La Sagesse, USEK, and USJ. In total, the network has around 5,000 participants.

“We are planning to expand our reach to the Middle East by Christmas of this year,” Muller said.

The company head office is in London. Two new offices are underway in Beirut and Dubai.

Date Posted: Sep 10, 2014
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