Lebanon Businessnews News

$41 million from USAID to improve basic education
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The Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE) and USAID have launched a program to boost educational development.

USAID has donated $41 million to finance the Improved Basic Education Services Program, which will be implemented by Amideast. Elias Bou Saab, Minister of MoEHE, said: “The ministry is giving priority to prosper basic education in public schools, through enhancing the level of education.

The program, which used the Daraoun public school as a launching pad, aims to enhance primary educational services. It focuses on three main components: Improving reading skills, expanding access to education among vulnerable populations and improving education monitoring and management.

The program will also provide public schools with the necessary equipment and laboratories and develop capabilities in educational administrations. In addition, the program intends to develop new strategies and systems for teachers and administrators to enhance guidance and control in educational services.
Date Posted: Nov 06, 2014
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