Iron rods factory
to open in Bekaa
Annual production capacity to reach 25,000 tons
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A factory for manufacturing iron rods is expected to open in Karaoun, Bekaa, late this year.
Construction works have been finalized, but production has been postponed until a power station is established in Zahle this year. Mohammad Karameddin, Partner and General Manager, said that this type of manufacturing requires a large amount of power, exceeding eight megawatts, which is not available at present, in West Bekaa.
He said that the company could generate its own power, but this would be very costly and would therefore prevent it from being able to compete in the local market.
Once operational, The Bekaa Factory will have a production capacity of 70 tons of construction metal, per day. The price of one ton of construction metal, as of today, is $500.
The $10 million factory has total built-up area of the facility is 2,000 square meters. All of its equipment was imported from Turkey.
The iron rod industry requires an engineering staff to manufacture according to specific standards. “There is civil compliance for manufacturing this product, as we should follow specific measurements.”
The Bekaa Factory, which is the second of its kind in the market, after the Kfoury Metals Co., is owned by Karameddin and Ahmad Dahrouj. Karameddin also owns a cement construction company and a facility for cutting natural stones.
Date Posted: Jan 19, 2015
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