Prices of unleaded 95-gasoline and 98-gasoline have touched record levels not seen since 2008-this week.
The price of 95-gasoline per 20 liters rose LL 500 (33 cents) to LL 33,700 ($.22.4) and the price of 98-gasoline rose to LL 33,500 ($22.2).
Prices of red diesel and diesel oil also increased. Prices of red diesel and that of diesel oil increased to LL 20,800 ($13.79) each.
Prices of gas tanks continued to drop. Prices of household gas tanks of 10 KGs dropped LL 100 (6 cents) to LL 15,800 ($10.5). The price of gas tanks of 12.5 KGs dropped equally by LL 100 (6 cents) to LL 19,200 ($12.73).
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