Lebanon Businessnews News

Broken promises on
pledges for refugee aid
Only eight percent of required

funding has been received

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The international community is falling behind in its pledge to help secure more than $2 billion in funding to cover projects that aid Syrian refugees and vulnerable host communities. The UN’s Inter-Agency Coordination Office (UN-IAC) said out of the appeal for $2.75 billion in funding requirements for 2017, only eight percent has, up to the end of March, so far been received.

Food security received the highest allocation, with $49 million, followed by education.

The energy sector, which was designated as a separate sector for the first time since international assistance for the country began, has yet to receive any funds.

Earlier this year, a study by the UNDP and the Ministry of Energy and Water showed that Syrian refugees consume energy the equivalent of a power plant with the capacity to generate 486 megawatts.

The second biggest funding gap is in cash transfer assistance, which requires more than $550 million, the largest funding of all categories.

For 2016, UN-IAC received 45 percent of the amount requested, equalling $1.12 billion. Child protection received all of the required allocation ($48 million), followed by the education sector (65 percent or $253 million).

Prior to an international conference in Brussels to raise funds for affected countries, Prime Minister Saad Hariri had said: “If the international community does not invest in our country, we will be obliged to take steps so that they find another place.”

He said the international community has to invest $10-$12 billion over seven years in infrastructure.

Appealed ($ million)Received ($ million)Gap (%)
Basic assistance5722296
Food security5074990
Social stability124894
Source: United Nations
*As of March 31, 2017
Reported by Yassmine Alieh
Date Posted: Jul 06, 2017
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