News by Sector


Jul 05, 2024  Beirut Souks reaches 85 percent occupancy
Feb 21, 2024  Hotel occupancy dropped in 2023
Jan 19, 2024  Number of firms reporting sales growth rises four times
Jan 16, 2024  Airport passenger traffic up 12 percent
Dec 22, 2023  World Bank says GDP to shrink due to Gaza war
Dec 20, 2023  Gaza war adds 26,000 to the poor in Lebanon
Feb 28, 2023  Hotel occupancy rate near 50 percent in Beirut
Jan 13, 2023  Airport passengers up 50 percent to 6.3 million
Nov 23, 2022  Hilton Metropolitan Palace slated to reopen in December
Nov 03, 2022  Airport duty-free tender annulled after being awarded
Oct 07, 2022  Private sector jobs to rise by ten percent
Oct 06, 2022  Phoenicia Hotel opens again for the fourth time
Sep 28, 2022  Airport duty-free bid won by current operator
Sep 26, 2022  Sales are picking up
Jul 07, 2022  Fresh dollar cards are finally accepted
Jun 09, 2022  $70 million tender soon for second airport terminal
Jun 01, 2022  Phoenicia Hotel plans partial reopening in July
Feb 04, 2022  Balance of Payments deficit narrows to $2 billion
Nov 05, 2021  ‘A Crazy Love’ New national slogan
Nov 04, 2021  Government recovery plans delayed by dispute with Gulf
Aug 26, 2021  Unsubsidized diesel oil will become available
May 27, 2021  Glenbey: First Scotch bottled and finalized locally
May 26, 2021  Sea resorts fully booked by lockdown-freed residents
May 20, 2021  Foreign visitors to pay hotels in fresh dollars
Mar 15, 2021  Barbar at the gates of key cities in UAE and KSA