Lebanon Businessnews News

Tourism cooperation ratified
Lebanon and Armenia to encourage mutual enterprises
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An executive program on tourism cooperation between Lebanon and Armenia was ratified on March 30. The program will execute the provisions of a cooperation agreement signed between the two countries in 1998.

Through the agreement, both parties will work to facilitate cooperation between Lebanese and Armenian tourism institutions, and promote joint participation in tourism exhibitions. The two countries will also work to facilitate student exchange programs between them. 

The two countries will also encourage travel and tourism agencies and other tourist establishments in their respective countries to cooperate with each other in promoting and organizing tour packages.

With regards to tourism advertising, the signatories will encourage the convening of tourism seminars and exhibitions between both countries, as well as the exchange of advertizing material for the promotion of tourism in both countries. 

Lebanon and Armenia will also encourage the establishment of joint tourism projects, as well as facilitate cooperation between tourism-related enterprises in both countries.

Reported by Hanadi Chami
Date Posted: Apr 20, 2012
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