Under the agreement, Syria will keep supplying electricity to the Anjar Power Station from Syrian Station of Dimas and to Deir Nabouh Power Station from Syrian Simerian Station.
The contract will be effective as of January first.
Kamal Hayek, head of EDL, said that that the transmitted tranche” helps in stabilizing power supply.”
Hayek said that a new agreement that includes transmitting power to the Ksara power station will be signed in 2010.
Hisham Mashfej, Director General of PEEGT, said that Syria “will keep supplying Lebanon with electricity as long as there is need for that.”
Mashfej said that Syria has supplied local power plants "with 536 Kilowatt/hours of electricity in 2009 until November.”
Since 1998, “a total of eight billion Kilowatt/hours of electricity was transmitted,” he said.
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