Lebanon Businessnews News

Better power supply starting Monday
Electricity bills for past three months
to be broken up to affordable chunks
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Improvement in power supply is expected across all regions starting Monday, the State power utility EDL said. The company said it will resume collecting electricity bills. No bills have been collected for the past four months. The bills for the months of May, June, and July have all been accumulated. EDL said that it will break up the accumulated payments into smaller chunks.

EDL said it will step up its efforts to provide a “supply to all regions with a stable energy current”. This step comes after a three-month sit-in at EDL’s headquarters building halted all network maintenance work which affected power supply.

According to the statement the demand on the electricity network is at 2,800MW, while production capacity does not exceed 1,600MW. This increase in demand is attributed to violations on the network.

Reported by Rania Ghanem
Date Posted: Aug 10, 2012
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