Lebanon Businessnews News

Public workers to get salary raise
Cabinet passes draft law to
raise Lebanon’s share of ICIEC
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The Cabinet held a session on Wednesday August 29 and took a number of decisions, they include:

-Approving a draft law to increase Lebanon’s capital share in the Islamic Corporation for the Insurance of Investment and Export Credit (ICIEC) through a treasury loan to be covered after reselling the rights.

-Approving a $630,000 grant agreement with the Kuwaiti Fund for Arab Economic Development to offer consultation for a project to build power plants producing an additional 1,500MW.

-Removing the British-registered vessel CPO France off the blacklist.

-Approving the enrollment of the city of Mina in Tripoli in the Euro Mediterranean cooperation network.

-Authorizing the use of land in Baalbeck for the purpose of building the Islamic University in Lebanon.

-Approving the ministerial committee report tasked with drafting proposals for agricultural projects in Baalbeck and Hermel.

-Allowing the Ministry of Finance to use a treasury advance of $500 million to pay salary increases for public sector.
Date Posted: Aug 31, 2012
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