Lebanon Businessnews News

New measures enforced to improve fishing activities
Fishermen to benefit from medical coverage
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New measures will be taken to vitalize the fishing sector, the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) announced. The measures include applying stricter control over fishing activities to preserve the marine wealth, and registering licensed fishermen in the National Social Security Fund (NSSF).

On Thursday (November 1), the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife of the MoA acquired four boats intended for monitoring fishing operations. This is expected to limit violations by ensuring that prohibited fishing methods, such as fishing with dynamite and other toxic substances, are not used.

As part of the plan, fishing activities will be banned for three months. This break intends to regenerate fish reseources by allowing new fish to hatch and grow. The government will compensate fishermen during this period.

“If the State practices good control over the sector, we will have better chances for a good living,” said Najib Deek, director of the Syndicate of Fishermen in Beirut. Around 7,000 families rely on fishing for their livelihood. The sector is not well-regulated. Fishermen are required to have a license from the MoA. Licensed fishermen pay an annual fee of $33 to use the fishing ports, while unregistered amateurs pay $200 a year.

Deek said many people who do not rely on fishing for their living are acquiring fishermen's licenses to take advantage of government benefits: “This is why the number of fishermen has increased over the past years.” He called for better control over registration of professional fishermen.

With the implementation of the new measures, fishermen will be admitted into the National Social Security Fund (NSSF). “We will benefit most from the medical coverage fund. Our income is not sufficient to pay for health care,” Deek said.
Reported by Yassmine Alieh
Date Posted: Nov 02, 2012
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