Lebanon Businessnews News

Power ships on the way
EDL will handle installation for 270 MW supply
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The Ministry of Energy and Water (MoEW) said that the first of two power ships from the Turkish firm 'Karadeniz' will arrive next week. The contract with the Turkish firm involves the lease of power ships for three years to supply a total output of 270 MW.

The contract went into force in December: Delivery of the first ship was due within four months, with another ship scheduled to arrive by mid-2013. Electricité du Liban (EDL) will handle the installation of the two ships off the coasts of Zouk and Jiyeh.

The power ships contract complements the MoEW's large-scale plan to rehabilitate national power plants, mainly in Jiyeh and Zouk. Rehabilitation works for the two powerplants have kicked off and will need between four and five years to be completed. The goal is to increase power generation by 55 MW in 2013. Some 14 MW have already been added to the overall power generation.

The power ships are expected to improve electricity feed but are a temporary solution for the escalating power problem.

The Cabinet made a first payment of around $86 million for the Karadeniz power ships, which represents 22 percent of the deal's total value. This sum covers all operations related to the project, including mobilization, site preparation, operation and maintenance, and tax payments. The government will pay for fuel purchases.
Reported by Yassmine Alieh
Date Posted: 1/2/2013
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