Lebanon Businessnews News

Oil storage compound project in Tripoli
Tenders expected in April
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The Ministry of Energy and Water (MoEW) launched a project to expand an oil storage compound in Tripoli. The plan involves building around 38 new storage units for all types of oil derivatives on the government-owned plot used for the current facilities.

The MoEW already prepared terms of reference last December. Tenders are expected to kick off in April 2013. Out of the 45 companies that applied for the preliminary qualifications process, ten were chosen to participate in the tender. The evaluation process will be performed in June.

The existing facilities currently store only around 200,000 tons of oil. The project’s first phase includes expanding storage capacity by 434 thousand cubic meters. By the end of the project, storage capacity will be expanded to around 1.6 million tons of oil.

“The first step is preparing the infrastructure and connecting pipes from the complex out to sea,” said Zaher Sleiman, Oil and Gas Consultant at the MoEW.

Another tender will be launched for operators and importers. The government will construct the facilities and lease them to international companies which will operate them. “Both tenders are expected to be held this year,” Sleiman said. If contracts were awarded in 2013, the project should become operational in 2015.

Reported by Yassmine Alieh
Date Posted: 8/2/2013
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