Lebanon Businessnews News

Lebanon ranked 127 in Corruption Index
Transparency International scored the country 28 over 100
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Lebanon's public sector has been ranked 127 according to Transparency International's annual Corruption Perceptions Index. The index included 177 countries. More than two thirds of them are less than 50 points on a scale from 0 (most corrupt) to 100 (transparent). Lebanon received a score of 28 this year compared to 30 for 2012, indicating a slight increase in corruption.
The Chair of the Board of Transparency International, Huguette La Belle said: “The index notices that all countries still face risk of corruption on all the government level.”
Denmark and New Zealand came at the top of the list, scoring 91. The United Arab Emirates ranked 26th overall and highest among Arab countries, with a score of 69. Qatar was in second place regionally and the 28th place globally. Bahrain was the third regionally. Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Libya, Somalia received a lower score than Lebanon.
The organization “Arab Parliaments Against Corruption” warned against the danger of the Index results. The organization said: “In the next years, Arab parliaments must issue anti-corruption legislations, play a significant role in returning the money stolen , and follow the treaties of the United Nations against corruption.”
Reported by Joelle Nassar
Date Posted: Dec 03, 2013
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