Lebanon Businessnews News

PPP draft law published
Guidelines discuss joint projects from A to Z
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The Higher Council for Privatization (HCP) issued, February 19, the guidelines of the public-private partnership draft law.

The guidelines included the draft law text as well as measures on how to award PPP contracts that help finance infrastructure projects. Ziad Hayek, Secretary General of HCP, said: “The draft law is considered modern grounds for the establishment and restoration of necessary infrastructure, providing job opportunities, transparency, and professionalism to insure the success and sustainability of common projects.”

The draft law is made up of six chapters: The first is an introduction about PPP; the second is about how to study and prepare for a joint project; the third is the phase of studying a joint project; the fourth is about how to choose a private partner; and the fifth is about guarantees of PPP projects. The final chapter discusses the means to supervise and follow up on the project.

“These guidelines shed light on the final version of the PPP draft law suggested by the Council, explain its concepts, and detail its application means,” he said.

According to Hayek, the Council adopted modern international practices, based on the experiences of partnership ingredients in a number of countries, over decades.
To read the guidelines, follow this link: http://www.opportunities.com.lb/lebanon/bhb/docs/PPP%20Guidelines.pdf
Reported by Yassmine Alieh
Date Posted: Feb 20, 2014
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