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  • Assessment of Needs and Capacities in Targeted Areas in the South 2011 CDR
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  • Annual Report 2005 CDR
  • Annual Report 2007 CDR
  • Annual Report 2008 CDR
  • Annual Report 2009 CDR
  • Annual Report 2010 CDR
  • Annual Report 2011 CDR
  • Annual Report 2014 CDR
  • Nahr el Mot-Tabarja Expansion Summary 2016 CDR
  • Annual Report 2015 CDR
  • Annual Report 2013 CDR
  • Annual Report 2012 CDR
  • ESFD Impact Assessment Analysis 2013 CDR
  • Annual report 2018 CDR
  • Beirut Recovered-Post Blast 2020 Dar Al-Handasah
  • Capital Investment Program 2018
  • CDR Establishment Decree 1977
  • Citizen Guide to Public Procurement Law 2022
  • Climate-Proofing Lebanon Development Plans 2021 UNDP
  • Contractors Classification Decree 3688/1966
  • Contractors Classification Decree 9333/2002
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  • Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for Tabarja-Beirut Bus Rapid Transit System 2018 CDR
  • Environmental and Social Management Framework for Municipal Investment Program 2019 CDR (Arabic)
  • Evaluating Urban Expansion Using Remotely Sensed Data 2014 Ghaleb Faour
  • Guide to Public Procurement Contracts (Arabic)
  • Infrastructure projects in Lebanon 2015 Embassy of Belgium
  • Lebanon Urban Profile 2011 UN Habitat
  • Michel Ecochard in Lebanon and Syria 2012 Eric Verdeil
  • National Physical Master Plan of the Lebanese Territory 2005 DAR
  • On the Road to Reconstruction and Recovery 2007 Presidency of the Council of Ministers
  • PPP Guidelines 2013 HCP-PPP
  • Priorities of Public Procurement Reform Implementation for 2023
  • Progress on Public-Private Partnership and Role of Local Authorities 2019 DRI
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  • Resettlement Policy Framework for Municipal Investment Program 2019 CDR (Arabic)
  • Resettlement Policy Framework for Roads and Employment Project 2018 CDR
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  • Technical Note on Amendments to Public Procurement Law 2023
  • Time for PPP Implementation 2018 Libanpost (Arabic)
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