Related reports for: Water and Energy
  • Electricity Sector Law No 462
  • Action Plan for Water Resources Awareness and Enforcement-2014
  • An Economic Assessment of Water Use and Water Pollution in the Litani River Basin-2012
  • An Emergency Action Plan for Rescuing Lebanon's Energy Sector 2019 IFI
  • Any Hope for Lebanese to Enjoy 24 Hours of Electricity Ever Again 2015 BLOM Invest Bank
  • Arab Gas Pipeline
  • Assessing Corruption Risk 2015 LCPS
  • Avoiding the Resource Curse-2014
  • Bankmed Analysis of Oil and Gas Sector 2014 BankMed
  • Beirut River Solar Snake 2020 MoEW LCEC
  • Best Practices Guidelines and Lessons Learned for On-grid and PV-Diesel Hybrid Systems 2018 UNDP
  • Blockchain-Enabled Solutions for Renewable Energy 2020 UNDP
  • Bridging the Banking Crisis to Crowdfund Electricity Reform 2021 IFI
  • Briefing of Petroleum Activities Tax Law no. 57-2017 Ernst Young
  • Building the Lebanese Oil Sector 2018 Arthur D. Little
  • Challenges of the Energy Sector 2013 BLOM Invest Bank
  • Citizen Guide to Petroleum Exploration and Production Agreement 2020 LOGI
  • Clean Tech Report 2018 IDAL
  • Concentrated Solar Power for Lebanon-Techno Economic Assessment 2012 UNDP
  • Construction of Machghara Plain Irrigation Pipe-Design Report-2010
  • Consultants and Specialized Suppliers Involved in NEEREA Activities 2018 WEC
  • Corporatization & Restructuring OF EDL 2014 HCP
  • Current Electricity Laws and Regulations and Desirable Improvements 2016 Aziz Torbey
  • Dam Break Modeling for Qaraoun Dam VOL 1-2012
  • Dam Break Modeling for Qaraoun Dam VOL 2-2012
  • Dam Instrumentation Evaluation and Recommendations-2010
  • Dam Safety and Monitoring Plan-2011
  • Decentralized Solar Systems Applications: The Perspective of UNDP 2014 UNDP
  • Demonstration Drip Irrigation Systems-2011
  • Dependency on Hydrocarbon, Pollution, and Shortage 2019 CNRS Lebanon
  • Derisking Renewable Energy Investment-Key Points for Decision-Makers 2018 UNDP
  • Derisking Renewable Energy Investments 2017 UNDP
  • Distributed Power Generation-Market Assessment and Policy Pathways 2020 World Bank
  • Earthing and Lightning Over Voltage Protection for PV Plants 2016 UNDP
  • Electricite du Liban - A Fiscal Perspective 2001-2009 MoF
  • Electricity Cost of Service and Tariff Design Study 2020 World Bank
  • Electricity Distribution Service Providers Prequalification Docs 2010 EDL
  • Electricity Needs Immediate Action Plan and New Approach 2020 Kulluna Irada-LFRE
  • Electricity of Lebanon: Problems and Recommendations 2012 Energy Procedia
  • Electricity SDG-NDC Synchronization Assessment and Recommendations 2019 MoE-UNDP
  • Electricity Sector Public Expenditure Review 2008 World Bank
  • Electricity Sector Reform Notes 2019 Bank Audi
  • Electricity Sector Reform Paper 2011 CDDRL
  • Electricity Sector-Plan to Address Long-Standing Inefficiencies 2019 IMF
  • Electricity System and Sustainable Development 2010 Elsevier
  • Electricity Woes: An Estimation of the Economic Cost of Power Interruptions 2016 Energies
  • Emergency Action Plan for Qaraoun Dam-2012
  • Energy & Resources-Earth Trends Country profile 2003 Earth Trends
  • Energy Access Paper 2004 Global Network on Energy for Sustainable Development
  • Energy and Environment Evaluation Report 2007 UNDP
  • Energy and Water 2019 IDAL
  • Energy and Water 2019 IDAL
  • Energy Efficiency Study 2009 World Bank
  • Energy Efficiency Study Final Report 2009 World Bank
  • Energy from a Bottom-up Perspective 2018 IAI
  • Energy from Wastewater Sewage Sludge 2013 UNDP
  • Energy Policy and the Macro-Fiscal Nexus 2017 Alia Moubayed
  • Energy Policy Paper 2005 Chafic Abi Saad
  • Environment Friendly Loans-BDL Circular 84-2001
  • Environment Impact Assessment for Wind Farm Developents: Guideline Report 2012 UNDP
  • Environmental and Social Impact Assessment of Lebanon Wind Power 2019 NCEA
  • Environmental Impact of Off-Grid Electricty Generating Sector AUB
  • Environmental Impact of Petroleum Activities 2017 LOGI
  • Establishing a National Oil Company (2) July 2018 LCPS
  • Establishing a National Oil Company 2016 LCPS
  • Establishment of a Water Federation of Municipalities-2013
  • Evolution of Solar Water Heaters Market 2012-2017 and Beyond 2019 LCEC
  • Expansion of Groundwater Monitoring Network in the Upper Litani River Basin-2013
  • Exploration and Production Model Agreement 2017 LPA
  • Farmer Satisfaction Survey 2013-2014
  • Farmer Satisfaction Survey-2011
  • Farmer Satisfaction Survey-Dec 2012
  • Farmer Satisfaction Survey-Jan 2012
  • Feasibility Study for Constructed Wetlands in the Litani River Basin-2012
  • Financial and Economic System of the Oil Sector in Lebanon LPA
  • Financial Modelling to Understand Future Strategic Oil and Gas Decisions 2020 LOGI
  • First Offshore Licensing Round 2017 LPA
  • First Prequalifications Results 2013 LPA
  • Fiscal Framework for Prospective Commodity Producer 2014 IMF
  • Flood Management Report- Arabic-2012
  • Flood Management Report- English-2012
  • Fossil Fuel Subsidies 2015 MoE
  • Gas Stations Tied with Regulations 2016 BLOM Invest Bank
  • Geology Overview-Lebanon Second Offshore Licensing Round 2019 LPA
  • GRASS-A New Building Rating System for Lebanon and Mediterranean ALMEE
  • Groundwater Modeling Within the Upper Litani Basin-2013
  • Guide to Tax Cuts on Environment-Friendly Activities 2018 MoF
  • Guidelines for Good Governance June 2018 LOGI
  • Hydrocarbon Strategy Study 2004 World Bank
  • Hydrogeologic Reference Report-2012
  • Hydropower Electricity 2014 MoEW
  • Hydropower From Non River Sources:The Potential in Lebanon 2013 UNDP
  • Hydropower: History and Statistics 2013 Cedro
  • Impact of Syrian Crisis on Power Sector 2017 MoEW
  • Improving Energy Statistics for Sustainable Development 2019 UNSD ESCWA
  • Improving Energy Statistics for Sustainable Development 2019 UNSD ESCWA
  • Investigating Prequalified Oil and Gas Bidders October 2017 LOGI
  • Is Lebanon Preordained for a Pre-Resource Curse? October 2018 LOGI
  • Knowledge Assessment Survey-2012
  • Land Use and Crop Classification Analysis for the Upper Litani River Basin-2012
  • Law 84-Support for Transparency in the Oil and Gas Sector 2018 (Arabic)
  • Law for the Tax Provisions Related to Petroleum Activities
  • Leakage Detection Survey-2010
  • Lebanese Current and Future Gas Market 2010 MoEW
  • Lebanese Gas Market Development 2018 IFI
  • Lebanon Crisis Response-Energy 2018 NRC, UN Habitat, UNDP
  • Lebanon Disputed Maritime Boundaries-What Can Be Done 2020 CEPMLP
  • Lebanon Electricity from Fuel to Solar Energy Production 2020 Elsevier
  • Lebanon Energy Sector Reforms Program 2019 World Bank
  • Lebanon First Steps in the Oil and Gas Industry 2019 Pratts Energy Law Report
  • Lebanon Needs Clear Policy Prescriptions for Spending Petroleum Revenues July 2018 LCPS
  • Lebanon Power Sector Emergency Action Plan 2020 World Bank
  • Lebanon Renewable Energy Outlook 2020 IRENA
  • Lebanon: The Next Eastern Mediterranean Gas Producer? 2015
  • Lebanon's First Offshore Licensing Round 2013 MoEW
  • Lebanon's Gas Trading Options-2015
  • Legislative, Regulatory and Fiscal Framework 2016 LCPS
  • Les Bilans Energetique du Liban 2012 ALMEE
  • Les Bilans Energetique du Liban 2014 ALMEE
  • Les Bilans Energetiques du Liban 2015 ALMEE
  • Licensing and Upstream Fiscal Regime-2015
  • List of Interested Companies Participating in Proposal Submissions to Build Solar PV Farms 2017 LCEC
  • Litani Canal 900 Algae Control Testing and Validation-2005
  • Litani River Basin Management Plan-2012
  • Litani River Constructed Treatment Wetland-2012
  • Litani River Flood Management Report-2012
  • Litani River Walk - Through Survey Report-2011
  • Management Plan-2013
  • Managing Oil and Gas Revenues 2016 LCPS
  • Mapping Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Market with Higher Economic Impact 2020 MEDENER-RCREEE
  • Maritime Boundaries and Natural Resources of the Republic of Lebanon-2014
  • MENA Quarterly Economic Biref-Plunging Oil Prices-2015
  • Modeling of New Gravity Diversions for Canal 900 Network-2013
  • National Bioenergy Strategy 2012 Cedro
  • National Energy Efficiency Action Plan 2010 LCEC
  • National Geothermal Resource Assessment for Lebanon 2014 GeoWatt AG Resources
  • National Power Policy Paper 2010 MoEW (Arabic)
  • National Renewable Energy Action Plan 2016 - 2020 LCEC
  • National Wind Atlas-Final Report 2011 UNDP
  • Net Metering Contract Agreement with Electricite du Liban 2014 EDL
  • Offshore Gas Sector Shifting Towards Domestic Growth 2020 LOGI
  • Offshore Petroleum Resources 2016 LCPS
  • Offshore Petroleum Resources Law 2011 (Arabic)
  • Oil and Gas Block Delineation Decree 2017 LPA
  • Oil and Gas Decree 43 for Tender Protocol 2017 LPA (Arabic)
  • Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Decree 2017 (Arabic)
  • Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Model Agreement 2017 LPA
  • Oil and Gas Exploration-Overview and Analysis of Offshore Platforms 2021 IJAESA
  • Oil and Gas Law Review-Lebanon 2020 The Law Reviews
  • Oil and Gas Revenue Management 2017 MoF
  • Oil and Gas Sector: A New Economic Pillar-2015
  • Paving the Way for the Mediterranean Solar Plan-Lebanon Country Report Report 2016 EU
  • Petroleum Activities Regulations 2010 (Arabic)
  • Petroleum Activities Regulations 2010 English
  • PhotoVoltaic Electricity Booklet 2014 Cedro
  • Photovoltaic Plants 2013 Cedro
  • Policy Paper for the Electricity Sector 2010 MoEW
  • Policy Recommendations to Escape the Oil and Gas Curse 2016 Maison du Futur
  • Policy Reforms to Promote Renewable Energy 2018 ESCWA
  • Prequalification Process 2013 LPA
  • Prioritization and Assessment of Renewable Energy Value Chains 2019 MoEW UNDP
  • Problems and Solutions for Litani River Basin-2012
  • Promoting Small-Scale Renewable Energy Applications in Rural Areas Lebanon study 2020 ESCWA
  • Qaraoun Reservoir Bathymetric Survey-2013
  • Recommendations To Enhance Transparency in Lebanon's Petroleum Legislation 2017 LOGI
  • Reinforcing Transparency in Subcontracting in Oil and Gas 2018 LOGI
  • Renewable Energy in Lebanon 2015 ALMEE
  • Renewable Energy Value Chain Assessment and Analysis 2019 MoEW UNDP
  • Restructuring the Litani River Authority-2012
  • Rover Training and Dam Inspection-2012
  • Saga of Lebanese Iraqi Oil Talks 2021 LOGI
  • SEA for Petroleum Activities in Lebanese Waters 2011-2012 RPS Energy
  • SEA for Petroleum Activities in Lebanese Waters 2011-2012 RPS Energy
  • Seismic Deformation Analysis of Qaraoun-2012
  • Setting Electricity Sector on Sustainable Growth Path 2022 MoEW
  • Setup of Surface and Groundwater Monitoring System within the Upper Litani River Basin-2012
  • Snapshot of the Refined Petroleum Market-2015
  • Social Impact Analysis for the Electricity and Water Sectors 2009 World Bank
  • Solar PV Statistics 2018 LCEC
  • Solar PV Statistics 2019 LCEC
  • Solar PV Status 2020 Report LCEC
  • Solar PV Status Report 2016 UNDP
  • Solar PV Status Report 2017 UNDP LCEC
  • Solar PV Status Report 2018 LCEC
  • Solar PV Status Report 2019 LCEC
  • Solar Water Heater Market 2012-2017 LCEC
  • Solar Water Heaters Market 2014 LCEC
  • Sovereign Wealth Fund Proposal December 2017 LOGI
  • Status and Potentials of Renewable Energy 2007 Green Line Association
  • Status of Energy Sector 2022 LCEC
  • Study on LNG Supply, Market and Technical Viability 2009 World Bank
  • Support to Collaborative Activities-2013
  • Sustainable Energy for Villages and Communities 2018 UNDP CEDRO
  • Sustainable Oil and Gas Development in Lebanon 2016 UNDP
  • Sustainable Transformation of Lebanon Energy System 2021
  • The ABC of Oil and Gas 2018 Blominvest Bank
  • The Drop in Oil Prices: Global and Local Ramifications 2016 Credit Libanais
  • The Euro Arab Mashreq Gas Market Project EU
  • The Legal Framework of Lebanon's Maritime Boudaries: The Exclusive Economic Zone and Offshore Hydrocarbon Resources 2012 ASDEAM
  • The National Geothermal Resource Assessment Report 2014 CEDRO
  • The Two Decrees: An Issue of No Issue 2016 Malek Takieddine
  • Towards a Comprehensive Energy Policy 2017 LPA
  • Tracking Revenues from Sales of Seismic Data 2019 LOGI
  • Transition to Renewable Energy and Sustainable Prosperity in Lebanon 2019 ESCWA
  • Tripoli Oil Installations 1998 Oil Installations
  • Unbundling Electricity Sector 2021 IFI
  • Updated Policy Paper for the Electricity Sector 2019 MoEW
  • USAID-Litani river flood field survey report-Aug 2010
  • USAID-The role of the Litani River Authority-July 2010
  • Water Balance Report-2011
  • Water Code 2018 (Arabic)
  • Water Pollution Awareness Campaign-2012
  • Water Quality Database Management-2012
  • Water Quality Index-2013
  • Water Quality Survey-Dry Season-2011
  • Water Quality Survey-Dry Season-2-2011
  • Water Quality Survey-Wet season-2011
  • Water-Energy Nexus of Water and Wastewater Services 2021 AUB
  • When will NEEREA Come To an End? 2014 LCEC
  • Wind Energy: An Adequate Solution for Lebanon's Electricity Shortage 2014 Wind Energy
  • Zahrani Oil Installations
  • Zahrani Oil Installations 1998 Oil Installations