Related reports for: Health and Mental Health
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  • Aids in Lebanon 2013 Human and Health Magazine
  • Alcohol Drinking and Young People in Lebanon Potential Solutions to Delay Initiation and Reduce Harm 2017 AUB
  • Annual Referral Health Care Report 2018 UNHCR
  • Blominvest Health Report 2013
  • Cancer Burden in Lebanon 2016 ISPOR
  • Coronavirus Disease Health Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan 2020 MoPH
  • Coronovirus Outbreak Data Monitor 2020 MoPH
  • Cost of Oncology Drugs in Lebanon 2014-2016 MoPH
  • Country Cooperation Strategy for WHO & Lebanon 2010-2015
  • Country Cooperation Strategy Lebanon 2019 - 2023 WHO
  • COVID 19 Operational Plan March 2020 MoPH
  • COVID-19 and Economic Downfall Unveil Migrant Workers Mental Health Crisis 2020 MSF
  • COVID-19 Emergency Appeal July 2020 UN
  • COVID-19 Lebanon Emergency Appeal May 2020 UN
  • Covid-19 Results Briefing 2021 IHME
  • Covid-19 Update Jan 2021 UNHCR
  • Covid-19 Women, Gender, and the Economy 2020 NCLW
  • Covid-19-Concerns and Needs of Syrian Refugees in Informal Tented Settlements 2020 LPC
  • Documentation and Access to Healthcare for Refugees in Lebanon 2020 NRC
  • Economic Cost of Policy Action against Coronavirus-2020 IOF
  • Effect of Socioeconomic Crisis on Healthcare 2023
  • Efficiency Analysis of Healthcare System 2018 EMU
  • El Qobeh Neighbourhood 2018 UNICEF
  • Emergency Healthcare New Coverage 2018 UNHCR
  • Food Safety 2015 Ministry of Public Health (Arabic)
  • Global School-based Student Health Survey Lebanon Report 2017 WHO
  • Global School-based Student Health Survey Report 2017 MoPH
  • Good Laboratory Practices 2017 MoPH
  • Good Laboratory Practices for Pharmaceutical Quality Control Laboratories 2016 MoPH
  • Good Pharmacy Practice Standards in Community Pharmacies 2018 OPL
  • Guide of Healthcare Waste Management in Lebanon 2014 Arcenciel
  • Guidelines for Food Supplements 2017 MoPH
  • Guidelines for Storage and Distribution of Pharmaceuticals 2014 MoPH
  • Health Access and Utilization Survey Among Syrian Refugees in Lebanon 2018 UNHCR
  • Health Access and Utilization Survey Among Syrian Refugees in Lebanon 2019 UNHCR
  • Health Literacy Levels and Predictors Among Adults Visiting Outpatient Clinics in Beirut 2021 AUB
  • Health Reform 2010 MoPH
  • Health Resilience Project 2017 World Bank
  • Health Response Strategy 2015 MoPH
  • Health Risks of Burning Waste in Lebanon 2017 HRW
  • Health System & Reform in Lebanon 2003 WHO
  • Health System Profile 2006 WHO
  • Health System Resilience and the Syrian Refugee Crisis 2016 Journal of Global
  • Healthcare Indicators 2015 World Bank
  • Healthcare Marketing 2018 LIU
  • Healthcare Marketing, An Empirical Study Among Lebanese Hospitals 2018 Lebanese Science Journal
  • Healthcare Needs and Barriers of Persons with Disabilities 2018 AUB
  • Healthcare Quality and Safety 2018 USJ
  • Healthcare Sector in Urgent Need of Reforms 2018 Blominvest
  • High-Tech Equipment in Hospitals 2012
  • Hospital Accreditation Standards 2019 MoPH
  • Hospital Governance and Incentive Design: the Case for Corporatized Hospitals in Lebanon 2001
  • Hospital Industry in Lebanon 2013 Banque BEMO
  • Humanitarian Crisis Escalates after Beirut Blast 2020 ResearchGate
  • Improving the Prescribing Quality and Pattern of Pharmaceutical Dugs 2016 AUB
  • Influenza Surveillance Bulletin 2020 MoPH
  • Informal Syrian Health Workers in Lebanon 2018 UKAID
  • Integrating Covid-19 Vaccination into the Primary Health Care Network 2021 AUB
  • Inter-Ministerial Substance Use Response Strategy for Lebanon 2016-2021 MoPH
  • Investment Case for Tobacco Control 2024
  • Knowledge and Protection Concerns around Covid-19 in Informal Tented Settlements in the Bekaa 2020 NRC
  • Lebanese Code of Ethics for Pharmaceuticals 2016 MoPH
  • Lebanon is Losing its Front Line 2021 J Glob Health
  • Lebanon Mental Health Strategy 2015 -2020 MoPH
  • Lebanon Unions of Municipalities COVID-19 Rapid Assessment Report 2020 UN-Habitat
  • Lebanon-WHO Statistical Profile 2013
  • License to Open a Nursery
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  • List of Corporatized Public Hospitals 2012 (Arabic)
  • List of Elderly Centers Contracted with MoPH (Arabic)
  • List of Food Supplements Permitted By MOPH 2017
  • List of GSDP Certified Warehouses 2018
  • List of Long Stay Hospitals 2012 (Arabic)
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  • Maternal Neonatal Mortality Notification System Statistics by Caza and Nationality 2015 MoPH
  • Measles and Mumps Outbreaks in Lebanon Trends and links 2018 AUBMC
  • Measuring Transparency to Improve Governance in Public Pharmaceutical Sector WHO 2009
  • Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Services for Syrian Refugees in Lebanon 2013 UNHCR
  • Mental Health in Lebanon: A Right Requiring Urgent Intervention
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  • Mental Health System 2010 WHO
  • Ministry of Public Health, Vision, Planning and Legislation 2012 MoPH
  • Modeling COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout for Better Impact 2021 AUB
  • National Drug Index 2015 MoPH
  • National Guidelines for Colorectal Cancer adn Early Detection 2019 MoPH
  • National Health Accounts 2000 MoPH
  • National Health Accounts 2015 MoPH
  • National Health Statistics 2012
  • National Health Statistics Report in Lebanon
  • National Health Strategy: Vision 2030
  • National Report on Drug Situation in Lebanon 2017 MoPH
  • Needs of Women with Substance Disorder 2019 MoPH
  • Non Communicable Diseases Plan 2016 MoPH
  • Noncommunicable Diseases 2011
  • Noncommunicable diseases country profile
  • NSSF Law Number 27, 2017
  • Operational Response Plan for Health 2017 UN
  • Performance Based Contracting for Hospitals 2018 AUB
  • Pharma Market Data 2017
  • Pharma Market Data 2017 LPIA
  • Pharma Market Data March 14, 2018
  • Pharma Market Newsletter 2009
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  • Pharmaceutical Companies Directory 2013 IDAL
  • Pharmaceutical Industry 2018 Blominvest
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  • Pharmaceuticals and Health Report 2013 Blominvest
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  • Primary Healthcare Centers 2017 MoPH (Arabic)
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  • School-based Student Health Survey 2011 MEHE
  • Selected Health Conditions 2004 MoPH
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  • Statistical Bulletin 2009 MoPH
  • Statistical Bulletin 2010 MoPH
  • Statistical Bulletin 2011 MoPH
  • Statistical Bulletin 2012 MoPH
  • Statistical Bulletin 2013 MoPH
  • Statistical Bulletin 2014 MoPH
  • Statistical Bulletin 2015 MoPH
  • Statistical Bulletin 2016 MoPH
  • Statistical Bulletin 2017 MoPH
  • Statistical Bulletin 2018 MoPH
  • Statistical Bulletin 2019 MoPH
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  • Strategic Review of Food and Nutrition Security 2016 ESCWA
  • Strategy for National Healthcare Reform in Lebanon 2003 USJ
  • Supporting the Health Sector 2017 World Bank Group
  • Sustainability and Equity Challenges: Some Arithmetic on Pension System 2016 IMF
  • Syrian Refugees Impact on Public Hospitals 2015 APIS
  • The Collaborative Governance of Lebanon's Health Sector 2018 MoPH
  • The Collaborative Governance of Lebanon's Health Sector 2018 MoPH
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  • The Healthcare System in Lebanon 2018 Blominvest
  • The Syrian Crisis and Mental Health Reform 2016 MoPH
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  • Vital Data Observatory (VDO) statistics by Caza and Nationality 2018 MoPH
  • Vital Data Observatory Statistics by Caza and Nationality 2016 MoPH
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  • WHO Country Cooperation Strategy 2013
  • WHO Good Governance for Medicines Programme 2010
  • Women and Children Conditions 2009 UNICEF
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