Related reports for: Environment
  • 2017 Solar PV Status Report 2018 UNDP
  • A Broader View of the Liatni's Pollution Crisis 2019 AUB
  • Air Polution in Lebanon 2010 AOU
  • Air, Water, Soil Pollution Level Specs Decree- MoE 1996
  • An Economic Assessment of Water Use and Water Pollution in the Litani River Basin 2012 USAID
  • An Overview of the Power Purchase Agreement for Solar Farms 2018 LCEC
  • Analysis for European Neighborhood Policy Countries and the Russian Federation on Social and Economic Benefits of Enhanced Environmental Protection 2011
  • Approaching the Waste Crisis in Lebanon 2015 AUB K2P
  • Assessment of Solid Waste Management Practices 2015-2017 EU
  • Assessment of the Effectiveness of CEDRO, Global Solar Water Heating Market Transformation and Strengthening Initiative 2013 UNDP
  • Biological Diversity: First National Report 1998
  • Business Plan for Combating Pollution of the Lower Litani River Basin 2020 CDR
  • Cabinet Modified Decision on Waste Management 2015 (Arabic)
  • Case Study on National Strategy for Forest Fire Management AUB
  • Case Study On Policy Reforms to Promote Renewable Energy in Lebanon 2017 ESCWA
  • CES-MED Lebanon Municipality of Beirut Sustainable energy action plan SEAP- EU 2016-2020
  • Clean Technology FactBook 2016 IDAL
  • Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction in the Arab Region 2017 ESCWA
  • Climate Change and Tourism 2011 Heinrich Boll Stiftung
  • Climate Change and Variability: Impact on Land Use
  • Climate Change Country Profile UNDP
  • Climate Finance Loan Schemes 2014 MoE
  • Climate-Proofing Lebanon Development Plans 2021 UNDP
  • Coastal Area Management Project 2002
  • Contacts of Eco-Tourism Providers
  • Cost Assessment of Environmental Degradation 2003 World Bank-METAP
  • Cost of Environmental Degradation 2004 World Bank
  • Cost of Environmental Degradation Due to Solid Waste Management Practices 2014
  • Cost Recovery for Solid Waste Management in Lebanon 2005
  • Country Environmental Analysis 2011 World Bank
  • Country environmental report -2011
  • Country Report on Solid Waste Management 2010
  • Decentralisation of Solid Waste Management in Lebanon 2017 HEINRICH BOLL STIFTUNG ME
  • Decentralized Renewable Energy Power Generation Law 2023
  • Decree 11949 on turning Nabay quarry into a natural site-2014
  • Decree 11987 on Hunting Insurance 2014 (Arabic)
  • Decree 13389 for Management of Medical Waste 2004 (Arabic)
  • Decree 14865 on Environment Ministry Contributions to NGOs 2005 (Arabic)
  • Decree 167 for the Implementation of Law 444 on Environment Protection 2017 (Arabic)
  • Decree 17544 on Organizing the Statute of the Higher Council for Hunting 2006 (Arabic)
  • Decree 2275 on the Organization of the Units, Tasks, and Appointments at the MoE 2009 (Arabic)
  • Decree 253 Allowing the Government to Join Ozone Layer Protection Treaties 1993 (Arabic)
  • Decree 3989 on Establishing an Environmental Police Unit 2016 (Arabic)
  • Decree 4917 on the Classification of Dangerous and Harmful Institutions 1994 (Arabic)
  • Decree 5234 on the Restoration of Quarries
  • Decree 5243 on the Classification of Industrial Institutions 2001 (Arabic)
  • Decree 5509 on Public Conditions for Petroleum Derivatives Importers 1994 (Arabic)
  • Decree 580 on the Organization of Overground Hunting 2004 (Arabic)
  • Decree 617 on Joining the Basel Amendment for Hazardous Waste Transport 2017 (Arabic)
  • Decree 657 on Turning Ehmej into a Natural Site 2016 (Arabic)
  • Decree 716 on the Masterplan of Industrial Zones in Chekka, Anfeh, and Heri 2007 (Arabic)
  • Decree 7494 on the Classification of Jabal Moussa as a Natural Reserve 2012 (Arabic)
  • Decree 8006 on Medical Waste Types 2002
  • Decree 8157 Establishing a National Council for the Environment 2012 (Arabic)
  • Decree 8471 on Environmental Compliance 2012 (Arabic)
  • Decree 8633 on Environmental Impact Assessment 2012 (Arabic)
  • Decree 8803 on the Organization of Quarries (Arabic)
  • Decree 9222 on the Statute of the Higher Council of Quarries 2002 (Arabic)
  • Demolition Waste Assessment Outside The Port of Beirut 2020 UNDP
  • Derisking Solar Energy Investments in Lebanon 2017 UNDP
  • Directory of Companies that Offer Green Solutions 2012
  • Economic Assessment of Environmental Degradation due to July 2006 Hostilities 2007 World Bank
  • Economic Costs of Climate Change 2015 UNDP
  • Energy Efficient Home Appliances Report 2018 UNDP
  • Environment Related Financial Mechanisms September 2017 LCEC
  • Environmental and Social Impact Assessment of PCB Management in the Power Sector 2015 MoE
  • Environmental and Social Impact Assessment -Upgrade of Ain Baal Solid Waste Treatment Facility 2017 CDR
  • Environmental and Social Impact of Polychlorinated Biphenyls 2014 MoE
  • Environmental Assessment of the Syrian Conflict September 2014 UNDP
  • Environmental Changes in Lebanon During the Holocene 2008 Journal of Arid Environments
  • Environmental Compliance Deadline Decision-MoE 2015
  • Environmental Emergency Response to the Lebanon Crisis 2006 UN
  • Environmental Governance 2010
  • Environmental Impact of Off-Grid Backup Electricity Generating Sector
  • Environmental Impact of Petroleum Activities in Lebanon 2017 Lebanese Oil & Gas Initiative
  • Environmental Impact of Petroleum Activities in Lebanon 2017 LOGI
  • Environmental Impact of the 2006 Lebanon War 2006 Heinrich Boll Foundation
  • Environmental Justice in Lebanon 2021 JIBAL
  • Environmental Management Plan for Land Administration Modernization 2017 MoF
  • Environmental Performance Index 2016
  • Environmental Pollution Abatement Project 2014 World Bank
  • European Commission and Lebanon Climate Act 2017
  • European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument
  • Evaluating Renewable Energy Manufacturing Potential in Jordan Lebanon and UAE 2018 IRENA
  • Fifth National Report of Lebanon to the Convention of Biological Diversity 2015 UNDP
  • First Energy Indicators Report February 2018 LCEC
  • First Forestation Plan 2001 MoE (Arabic)
  • Food Waste Generation in Restaurants Serving Mezze Cuisine 2021 MDPI
  • Fourth National Report of Lebanon to the Convention of Biological Diversity 2009 UNDP
  • Gender-Responsive Climate Solutions 2020 UNDP
  • Global Forest Resources Assessment 2005 FAO
  • Global forest resources assessment 2010
  • Green Jobs Assessment in Lenanon ILO-UNDP
  • Greenhouse Gas Audit Report 2013 UNDP
  • Greenhouse Gas Inventory 2013-2017 UNDP
  • Guide for Municipalities to Enhance Environmental Management 2016 MoE
  • Guide to Tax Credits on Activities that Protect the Environment 2018 MoF (Arabic)
  • Hazardous Waste Factsheet 2016
  • How to Solve the Waste Crisis 2015 BLOM
  • Impact of Climate Change on the Coast 2021 MoE
  • Inclusivity and Sustainable Solid Waste Management in Lebanon 2019 Democracy Reporting International
  • Industrial Pollution Management System 2013 MoE
  • Integrated Northern Coast Management 2009 MoE
  • Introduction to the Lebanese Environmental Action Financing 2018 LCEC
  • Jabal Moussa Biosphere Reserve Annual Report 2013
  • Lake Qaraoun Pollution Prevention Project World Bank
  • Land Suitability for Biological Wastewater Treatment 2022 MDPI
  • Landfill Pollution Assessment in Residential Urban Spaces 2021 APJ
  • Law 10 Establishing the Yammouneh Natural Reserve 1999 (Arabic)
  • Law 11 Establishing the Bentael Natural Reserve 1999 (Arabic)
  • Law 251 on the Appointment of Public Attorneys for Environmental Affairs 2014 (Arabic)
  • Law 257 on Turning Jaj Cedars Park into a Natural Reserve 2014 (Arabic)
  • Law 360 on Joining the UN Biological Diversity Agreement 1994 (Arabic)
  • Law 387 on Joining the Basel Treaty for the Transport of Hazardous Waste 1994 (Arabic)
  • Law 412 on Protection of EuroAsian and West African Immigrating Birds (Arabic)
  • Law 532 Establishing the Shouf Cedars Natural Reserve 1996 (Arabic)
  • Law 64 on the Protection of the Environment from Harmful Waste and Dangerous Materials 1988 (Arabic)
  • Law 67 on Maritime Routes for Non-Navigation Purposes 1999 (Arabic)
  • Law 690 on the Organization of the Ministry of Environment 2005 (Arabic)
  • Law 9 for the Establishment of Tannourine Cedars Natural Reserve (Arabic)
  • Lebanon 2020 Nationally Determined Contribution Update UN Climate Change
  • Lebanon Climate Change Profile 2018 Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Lebanon Country Report on Solid Waste 2014 GIZ
  • Lebanon National Strategy for Air Quality Management 2015- 2030 MoE
  • Lebanon The State of Waste 2019 Heinrich Boll Stiftung
  • Life Cycle Assessment for Solid Waste Management in Lebanon 2019 WM&R
  • Main Aspects of Wind Power Purchase Agreements 2018 LCEC
  • Management of Recyclable Materials for Municipalities
  • Marine Protected Area Strategy 2012 MoE
  • MENA Air Pollution Report 2020 Greenpeace
  • Millennium Development Goals 2005 UNDP
  • Ministry of Environment - UNDP Key Achievements 2010-2015
  • Ministry of Environment Achievements 2014-2016
  • Morphology, Climatology, Hydrology, Vegetation, and Environment
  • Multisource Groundwater Contamination under Data Scarcity-Municipalities near Naameh Landfill 2020 MDP
  • National Action Program to Combat Desertification
  • National Air Quality Management Strategy 2017 MoE
  • National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2016
  • National Bioenergy Strategy 2012 CEDRO
  • National Blueprint for a Sustainable Forest Biomass 2016 UNDP
  • National Capacity Self-Assessment 2007 UNDP
  • National Compendium of Statistics on Environmental Statistics 2006 CAS
  • National Economic, Environment and Development Studies for Climate Change Project 2011 MoE
  • National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report 2013 MoE
  • National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report and Mitigation Analysis for the Agriculture Sector 2015
  • National greenhouse gas inventory report on transport-2015
  • National Guideline for Rain Water Harvesting Systems 2016 MoE
  • National Implementation Plan on Persistent Organic Pollutants 2017 MoE
  • National Integrated Solid Waste Management Strategy-Executive Summary 2024
  • National Report to Third Session of UN Forum on Forests 2003
  • National Strategy and Workplan of Biological Variety 2016 Ministry of Environment (Arabic)
  • National Strategy for Forest Fires 2009 (Arabic)
  • Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action in Lebanon Municipal Solid Waste Sector 2017 MOE
  • NEEREA for Heat Pump Systems and On-Field Monitoring Activities 2018 LCEC
  • Pollution report 2018- 2019 LARI
  • Post-Conflict Environmental Assessment 2007 UNEP
  • Rapid Cost of Environmental Degradation 2018 UNDP
  • Recycling Farm Biomass for Biogas Production AUB
  • Renewable Energy and Industry 2015 UNDP
  • Renewable Energy Resources Practical Applications 2005 LAU
  • Renewable Energy SDG-NDC Synchronization Assessment and Recommendations 2019 MoE-UNDP
  • Residential Solar Heater Market 2011 MoEW
  • Road Transport Sector and Air Pollution Case of Lebanon 2016 IPTEC
  • Roads and Employment Project- Environmental and Social Management Framework 2018 CDR
  • Second National Report of Lebanon to the Convention of Biological Diversity 2001 UNDP
  • Second National Communication to the UNFCCC 2011 MoE
  • Shouf Biosphere Reserve Administrative Plan 2013-2017
  • Shouf Biosphere Reserve Thermal Biomass for Lebanon 2015
  • Sludge management in Lebanon
  • Social Media Pages of Environmental Organizations
  • Socio-Environmental Impact of White Phosphorous Ammunition 2023
  • Solar Water Heating Techscope Market Readiness Assessment 2014 UNEP
  • Solid Waste Management at the Municipality level 2019 DRI
  • Solid Waste Management in Lebanon 2019 DRI
  • Solid Waste Management in Lebanon Challenges and Recommendations 2017 Journal of Environment and Waste Management
  • Solid Waste Management in Lebanon Lessons for decentralization 2019 DRI
  • Solid Waste Management in Lebanon: Lessons for Decentralisation 2019 DRI
  • Solid Waste Management Plan 2013 MoE (Arabic)
  • Solid Waste Management Policy 2018 (Arabic)
  • Solid Waste Management Tyre City Profile 2019 CCACoalition
  • Solid Waste Plan by Agriculture Minister Akram Chehayeb 2016 (Arabic)
  • Solid Waste SDG-NDC Synchronization Assessment and Recommendations 2019 MoE - UNDP
  • Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to Integrate Gender in Climate Reporting 2019 MoE-UNDP
  • Standards of Air Pollutants, Liquid Waste, and Wastewater Treatment Plants 2007 MoE
  • State of Lebanese Wildfires 2008 MoE
  • State of the Environment
  • State of the Environment and Future Outlook: Turning the Crises into Opportunities 2020 UNICEF
  • State of the Environment Report 2011 MoE
  • State of the Environment Report 2020-Turning Crises into Opportunities UNDP
  • Statistical Analysis for Fires in Lebanon for 2007 MoE
  • Support to Reforms - Environmental Governance Reform Programme 2017 EU
  • Sustainable Consumption and Production Action Plan for the Industrial Sector 2015 MoE
  • Sustainable Forest Management Trail Book Rene Mouawad Foundation
  • Sustaining the Ecological Functions of the Litani River Basin 2021 JRBM
  • Technology Needs Assessment for Climate Change 2012 MoE
  • The Baalbeck Solar Pumping Systems Project 2018 LCEC
  • The Environment Marker for the Lebanon Crisis Response Plan 2019 MoE
  • The Lebanon Municipal Solid Waste Crisis and Pathways forward 2018 Arthur D Little
  • The Mobility Cost 2015
  • The Way Forward to Safeguard Water in Lebanon 2015 AUB
  • Thermal Comfort in Lebanese Residental Unit Case Study 2013 BAU
  • Third Biennial Update Report on Lebanon Climate Change 2019 MoE
  • Third National Communication on Climate Change to UNFCCC 2016 MoE
  • Third National Report of Lebanon to the Convention of Biological Diversity 2005 UNDP
  • Towards a Circular Economy in Lebanon 2020 ACTED
  • Towards a Shared Environmental System: Lebanon Country Report 2015 MoE
  • Traffic Related Air Pollution 2014 HAL
  • Transition to Circular Packaging and Product Reuse 2024
  • Transitions to Renewable Energy and Sustainable Prosperity in Lebanon 2019 ESCWA
  • Transport Sector Bus Study on Oil and Gas 2018 MoEW
  • Unregulated Forests: How Tragedies Can Ignite Homegrown Transformations 2023
  • Updated Masterplan for the Closure and Rehabilitation of Uncontrolled Dumpsites 2017 MoE
  • Village 24 Initiative 2018 MoEW
  • Waste Management Awareness Campaign 2014
  • Waste Management Systems in Lebanon 2017 KTH
  • Wastless Lebanon 2022 UNHabitat 2015
  • Water Quality Assessemnt of Lebanese Coastal Rivers during Dry Season and Pollution Load into the Mediterranean Sea 2007 Journal of Water and Health
  • Wildfires 2016 MoE